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If the idea of swimming 1.5 miles from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park sounds like a nice little warm-up, you'll definitely want to consider our annual Dolphin Club Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon.

Held once a year in October, this is the "granddaddy" of all Escapes. You must be a six-month member of the Dolphin Club or South End Club to participate, and you must--repeat, must--know what you're getting into!

You'll start by jumping off a ferryboat and swimming from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park. (Remember: Dolphins never wear wetsuits or use fins!) A quick transition, then a 14-mile bike ride over the Golden Gate Bridge to Mill Valley. From there you'll run over Mount Tamalpais's Dipsea Trail to Stinson Beach, turn around, and run back to Mill Valley, for a total of 13 miles.

There are plenty of aid stations along the way. And you can team up and do the Escape as a relay if you prefer.

Afterward, enjoy a celebratory dinner at the Dolphin Club and claim your official Escape from Alcatraz belt buckle. And pat yourself on the back...if you're not too sore to reach that far!

The Escape is organized and staffed entirely by volunteers. Your help makes things happen!


The Dolphin Club is a nonprofit organization open to all!