Dolphin Club members have rowed in the Bay since the Club was founded in
1877. Today we maintain a fleet of 16 "Whitehall" rowboats, including four
doubles and one six-oared barge, the completely restored John
Wieland. We also have several open-water shells (Aeros). Training
in the use and care of the rowboats is offered once a month.
Dolphin rowers run the gamut from virtual beginners to
experts. Our membership includes former Olympic rowers as well as a number
of former collegiate rowers. And we welcome complete novices as well!
Dolphin rowers engage in a variety of rowing activities, including races, trips,
and leisure cruising. There are many day trips to Sam's in
Tiburon, the Ramp on San Francisco's south waterfront, and
around Alameda Island. Once a year, Club rowers undertake
the mother of all rows: up the Delta to Sacramento.
Not for the fainthearted!
Every Tuesday night, volunteers gather in the boathouse to restore and
maintain the wooden boats under the supervision of a professional
boatbuilder. It's an invaluable opportunity to learn about these historic
boats and get hands-on boatbuilding experience.
The Club also maintains a rowing facility at Lake Merced. Shells belonging to the Club and to individual members are stored here.
Any qualified member can row the Club boats. Training is conducted at the club one weekend each month by the rowing commissioner. Each member must complete several
in-cove rows and take a test. Training at Lake Merced is on an as-needed basis.
The Club owns several kayaks for recreational and pilot use. In addition, a
number of members store their kayaks at the Club. Private boats may be used
by any qualified member. Kayak training is held several times throughout
the year; the first day of rowing training (introduction to Bay conditions)
is a prerequisite.
The Dolphin Club is a nonprofit organization open to all!