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It's hard not to have a good time at the Dolphin Club. To keep the fun quotient high, we schedule plenty of social activities throughout the year.

Our Friday-night potlucks are a great place to start. Just show up with something to eat or drink--or start cooking in our galley and volunteer to set tables and clean up after the fun --and you'll find yourself in good company.

Every February we honor our life members (25+ years of membership) at our Old-Timers' Crab Feed. Volunteers prepare fresh cracked crab, hot pasta, salad, freshly baked bread, and dessert, and then celebrate the achievements of our most venerable associates...some of whom have belonged to the Dolphin Club for more than 60 years. Two or three times during the summer months, we hold potluck barbeques after our Twilight swims. The Club provides the grills, the buns, and the libations; members provide everything else.

Mid-November brings our annual Swim/Pilot Appreciation Dinner. Toast our most dedicated pilots and volunteers, find out who won the Polar Bear and 100-Mile competitions, and eat a hearty dinner prepared by our volunteer kitchen crew.

We hold our holiday party the afternoon of our New Year's Day Alcatraz Qualifier Swim, generally the Sunday before Christmas. Bring a dish to share--and bring the kids, because the clubhouse is festively decorated and Santa will be making an appearance.

The year can bring surprises, too--a springtime dinner-dance and a Mardi Gras jambalaya fest are just two of the inventive ways we've enjoyed ourselves in the past.



The Dolphin Club is a nonprofit organization open to all!